Wakefield draws more fire for bogus autism/vaccine study | Autism Blogger - Here's a little blurb about a story I've been hearing about in different stages for the last 13 years. There was a doctor that said vacines were linked to autism. Well the great thing about science is that you have to be able to reproduce the results. Guess what, they weren't able to reproduce. And now there are many parents in this world that refuse to get vaccines because of what is now an urban myth.
So now we come to the year 2010 and guess what it seems he may not have been using science for his findings. I don't know why someone would fake result like this. Now more children are at risk and there re still people out there that believe in those origina unconfirmed findings. But then again I guess people believe in a lot of stupid things and it could be said it is ignorance that is responsible for the deaths of so many people.
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