Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Senses

Every once an a while I have this overwhelming sensation of smell. And I would say with much modesty I have a great sense of smell even when I'm smoking I can smell a lot. So now I have been with out smoke in my sinuses for a few days and the temperature and humidity and smell are overwhelming. I can almost put my finger on the memories that are welling up in my sizable nose. I have a great sense of nostalgia and I don't know why.

The worst part is it makes me want to sketch but not GD shit I want to draw things in perspective and with contour lines and cut lines and screens and buttons. I want to do it with a prisma color indigo blue or tuscan red. I enjoy GD but I feel the constant desire make things in the real world not just print and books. Maybe I can find a way to satisfy these urges. I've always seen ID and the Radio as being my 2 addictions one I've kicked and the other I just feel like it will always haunt me.

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