Can you imagine a world were the written language is in pictures and everyone understands them? Pictograms are nothing new but interaction, graphic and industrial designers have for the past few decades tried to come up with a solution for the language barrier. We have street signs and way finding signs like those used for bathrooms, but as we develope more of these "universal" icons we are developing a language and now we may be coming ful circle in development. Maybe the Egyptians used pictograms because of the span of their empire and just couldn't be bothered with writing out the name of the Pharaoh in each dialect and language?
Yeah that is probably a bit of a stretch but hey we may never know. But what we do know is TheNounProject dedicated to creating a visual language of icons. Their mission:
"sharing, celebrating and enhancing the world's visual language"
Sounds alright I guess but they are a long ways off from completion and right now I believe they are rasing funds for the project to continue and they will eventually take submissions and that sound alright by me. I'm working on my icon for Bourbon and Coke Double, when I can just flash that baby at a loud bar and get my drink with out a word uttered I think the world will be a better place.
(image is a capture from thenounproject website)
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